Sunday, 29 January 2017

A big tree collapse on cars in Ben Aknoun .

A large pine has collapsed this morning in Ben Aknoun, on the heights of Algiers, blocking the road leading to the city center and damaging two tourist vehicles without causing casualties, it was learned from the civil protection. No casualties were reported among passengers in two vehicles, said the same source who said that a 45-year-old woman in shock was taken to the hospital.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

TRUMP : Halt the entry into the United States of "radical Islamic terrorists"

"We do not want them here," said the 45th president of the United States in front of the military hierarchs gathered at the Ministry of Defense, a short distance from Washington.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Une Grande Leçon de Maturité...

Que dieu te protège Imad et tous les enfants malade. Tu viens  de nous donner une très grande leçon de la vie...رب يحفظك و يشافك و يشافي كل الأطفال

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Yesterday must have been a difficult day for Hillary Clinton and there was one moment in particular where she didn't look very happy - but it appeared to be caused by her husband, rather than Trump.

January 20 could have been the afternoon she stepped into the Oval Office, becoming the first female President of the United States.

Instead, she had to watch as her opponent went through the motions of his inauguration ceremony .

But while everyone else was looking at the stage, her husband Bill Clinton was gazing in an entirely different direction and appeared to be biting his lip.


There's a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that applies to the outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama as she was given a parting gift by new First Lady Melania Trump.

Following tradition, a very graceful Melania brought along a gift – inside a Tiffany & Co. box – for Michelle.

As Melania and Donald walked up the steps of the White House, a gloved Melania carried the box and was quick to present it to Michelle .

With a hand outstretched, a warm Michelle ignored a handshake and went straight in for an embrace and a kiss on the cheeks. 

“That's a present for you,” a smiling Melania told Michelle, who awkwardly took the box and quickly turned for someone to take it from her so they can have their photo altogether on the White House steps.
Her face said it all as she decided what to do with it.

Launch of the first Algerian SMUR

ORAN- The first Algerian mobile emergency and resuscitation service (SMUR) was recently launched at the EHU in Oran, with a team of emergency doctors, the coordinators of the SMUR Oran project said on Saturday.

Friday, 20 January 2017

The Palace of the Raïs "Bastion 23"

The Palace of the Raïs (in Arabic: قصر الرياس Qsar er-Rayasa) also called Bastion 23 is one of the most important historical monuments of the city of Algiers. It is also one of the last witnesses to testify physically to the prolongation of the Medina of Algiers (Casbah) towards the sea until the nineteenth century.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Winter sets in...

The snowfall has fallen in abundance on several regions of Algeria. Towns, villages and mountains are all covered with a white mantle.

Dozens of families who chose the destination of Chrea mountain , to spend the weekend, were trapped this evening by a snow storm. Indeed, the snowfall recorded over the last hours on the heights of the Atlas Blideen made the roads impassable and many families were blocked.

The services of the gendarmerie were on alert to open up roads and tracks blocked by the incessant falls of snow.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Happy Yennayer 2967

Asseguas ammegas

Yennayer is the first day of the agrarian year used since antiquity by Berber groups in North Africa. It corresponds to the first day of January of the Julian Calendar, which is shifted thirteen days compared to the Gregorian calendar, i.e. 14 January of every year. Probably due to a mistake of the first cultural associations asking to return to this traditional celebration, the opinion that the traditional date is 12 January is very widespread, especially in Algeria.
Yennayer is a very widespread in Algeria. It is considered as national celebration. We also find it among the other north African communities, like in Morocco.

 have a very happy yennayer... 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Storms and snow on the north of Algeria...

Rains, sometimes in the form of stormy showers, will affect the wilayas in the center and east of the country from the end of the day on Tuesday 10 January, according to a BMS of the National Office of Meteorology. The wilayas concerned are Chlef, Blida, Tipaza, Ain Defla, Medea, Tissemsilt, Algiers, Boumerdes, Tizi Ouzou, Bouira, Bejaia, Jijel, Skikda, Annaba and El Tarf, according to the same source. The duration of validity of this BMS: from Tuesday to 18 hours until Wednesday 11 January at 12 o'clock. "Estimated cumulative impacts will reach or exceed 40 mm locally," the source said.

Snow on reliefs above 1000 m altitude

The National Board of Meteorology has published a second BMS snow special to announce snowfall from the evening of Tuesday on the reliefs of the north of the country exceeding 1000 meters of altitude. The wilayas concerned are Blida, Medea, Tizi Ouzou, Bouira, Djelfa, Bejaia, Setif, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Jijel, Batna, Oum El Bouaghi, Khenchela, Naama, Tiaret and El Bayadh. The period of validity of the BMS Special Snow ranges from Tuesday at 9 pm until Wednesday at 9 am. "The expected snow depth will reach or exceed 15 cm locally," said the same source.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Result of the international cross country chahid ahmed klouche...

CHLEF - More than 1,200 riders took part Saturday in the 44th edition of the traditional cross-country challenge chahid Ahmed-Klouche of Chlef, which took place on the circuit Chekka of the commune of the main town of wilaya .

The athletes participating in this challenge, racing on a closed circuit of 2 km, are represented by 1,287 runners from 25 wilayas, in addition to others coming from Kenya, Ethiopia, Spain, Morocco and Tunisia.

Friday, 6 January 2017

The Algerian National Theater Mahieddine Bachtarzi in Algiers Center...

The building was inaugurated on September 29, 1853 as an opera after three years of work from May 1850 to September 1853. It is the work of the French architect Chassériau and the architect Toulon Ponsard who built it in A neo-baroque style.

The 44th edition of Chlef's traditional cross-country...

The 44th edition of Chlef's traditional cross-country challenge chahid Ahmed-Klouche will take place this Saturday, January 7, 2017, with several races in the program of an event that promises to be most controversial, since the cross of Chlef returns on its Former mouafkia route at the northeast exit of the commune of Chlef.