Saturday 28 January 2017

TRUMP : Halt the entry into the United States of "radical Islamic terrorists"

"We do not want them here," said the 45th president of the United States in front of the military hierarchs gathered at the Ministry of Defense, a short distance from Washington.

Mr. President nobody likes to leave his own country , people are happy at home, even living precariously and in total poverty and without any resources or help ... but there came that day when the evil that is buried deep in your Souls awakens and pushes you to mount on your mechanical mounts and other macabre machines to go so far to supposedly advocate democracy and free people from the yoke of dictators that you even helped to settle at the heads of these countries. 

Unfortunately your goal was not to help people but to kill as many as possible innocents person s men,women,children,babies even old men and to destroy the land of Islam and the Arab countries.

So, Mr. President, it's up to us to say, "We do not want you anymore on our land and do not come back here."

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